Kamis, 22 September 2011



Air pollution is getting worse and this can endanger the health, interfere with the aesthetics and comfort or can even damage the property. Air pollution can be caused by natural sources and human activity.
Some result of research on air pollution at all costs has been published, but rarely people realize how many thousands of citizens who die each year from respiratory infections, asthma, lung cancerand urban air pollution.
The sky in Jakarta and major cities in Indonesia are not blue anymore. The air was filled with city soot and gases that are harmful to human health. It is estimated that, within the next ten years an increasing number of patients with lung disease and respiratory tract.
Actually a lot of air pollutants to watch, but the World Health Organization (WHO) has defined several types of pollutants that are considered serious, namely particles that contain particulates ( smook and soot), hydrocarbons, sulfur dioxide and nitrogenoxides. Ironically all of these pollutants emmited by motor vehicles.
We as the next generation must find a solution to this problem. The best solutions to over come the air pollution is by improvements in all sectors especially aimed at revamping the transport sector, without neglecting other sectors. This is what we need to emulate and learn from other big cities in the world, which has succeeded in reducing urban air pollution and morbidity and mortality caused by it. And to do that all of us can not be alone. This activity must be conducted with all stakeholdersranging from government, NGOs and society in general. Government should make strict regulation of environmental pollution of air, water or soil.

Selasa, 20 September 2011


Well my blog kayaknya aku dah posting something deh 1 th yang lalu. Yaps! Tentang hari jadianku. Dan hari ini adalah hari dimana usia hubunganku sudah menginjak 1 tahun. Yaaa walaupun hanya pacaran tapi aku berharap hubungan ini akan berlanjut ke jenjang berikutnya dan semoga bisa bertahan selamanya.
Aku akui waktu 1 tahun itu bukanlah waktu yang singkat. Banyak banget hal yang sudah aku lalui. Banyak banget rasa yang sudah aku rasain selama itu. Dari mulai senang, sedih, kecewa, bingung, galau, gundah, emosi dan banyak lagi deh. Dan kayaknya sudah hampir semua perasaan aku sudah rasain. Contohnya akhir - akhir ini. Beberapa hari sebelum menjelang 1 tahun aku berantem terus sama dia. Dan ada waktu 1 minggu dimana aku dan dia loss kontak. Tapi di balik semua itu aku mendapatkan banyak pengalaman hidup. Aku bisa menjadi lebih dewasa sekarang. Dan aku berharap hubungan ini bisa memberikan banyak dampak positif terhadapku. Amiiiieeen . . . .


What kind of animal does a penguin belong to?
Ø    Carnivores

Where can you find a penguin?
Ø    In the Antarctica
Ø    In the Australia
Ø    In the New Zealand
Ø    In the South Amerika
Ø    In the South Afrika
Ø    In the Galapagos Islands

How does a penguin move / live / survive?
Ø    Penguin can swin at speeds of 6 until 12 km per hour.
Ø    Penguin can dive to a depth of 565 meters below sea level for 20 minutes.
Ø    They are usually rolled in the snow with their belly
Ø    They have very good hearing
Ø    Throughout the world there are 17 until 19 species of penguins
Ø    They live in groups
Ø    Penguins can’t fly

What does a penguin look like?
Ø    On land the penguin uses their tail and wings to maintain balancewhen walking
Ø    Penguin has a white color on the inside of his body and dark color ( usually back ) on the outside of the body for camouflage
Ø    Penguins don’t have external genitals so it is difficult to see the sex
They have wings as oarsmen

What does a penguin feed on?
Ø  Small fish
Ø  Shellfish
Ø  Squid
Ø  Krill
Ø  Small shrimps
Ø  Fish
Ø  And other animals are caught while swimming in the sea

How does a penguin reproduce?
Ø  They are aves
Ø  They have eggs

           Penguins are aquatic animal species of birds that can not fly. Penguin populations in the hemisphere generally live in the southern hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. Penguins can adapt to life in water. They spent about half of their life on land and half in the ocean.
They are carnivorous animals because most penguins eat krill, fish, squid and other aquatic animals are caught while swimming in the sea. Penguins can drink sea water because the body supraorbital gland filters excess salt from the sea of ​​blood flow.
Throughout the world there are 17 to 19 species of penguins, depending on whether the two spesies Eudyptula also counted as a species. Although all penguin species originally came from the southern hemisphere but the penguins are not only found in cold regions. There are three species of penguins that live in the tropics. One of them lived in the Islands Galapagos and usually cross the equator in search of food. Penguin population like wise can we meet in Australia, New Zealand, South America and South Africa.
Penguins can swim at speeds of 6 to 12 km / h even on record until 27km/jam. Penguins can dive up to 565 meters over the past 20 minutes. To save energy, sometimes penguins walk with short legs or sliding on snow with his stomach. Penguins have very good hearing. Penguins usually live in groups.
They have wings as oarsmen. On land the penguin using the tail and wings to maintain balance when walking. Penguin has a white color on the inside of his body and dark color (usually black) on the outside of the body for camouflage. Penguins have no external genitalia so it is difficult to see the gender. Predators such as sea lions out of the water would be difficult to see the penguins because her belly is white mixed with sea water surface reflection.While the dark surface on its back also disguise the penguins from predators views over the water.
Penguins belong to the kingdom Animalia, phylum chordates, class aves, spheniscformes orders. Penguin reproduce by laying eggs. Penguins incubate their eggs during the winter at the poles. Females lay eggs which are not, but the male. Female penguins lay only one item. Eggs incubated four months, while the females return to sea. Because they have to keep eggs, male penguins do not have a chance to hunt. Male penguin can lose half his body weight because of silence for four months without eating anything, but the eggs were never abandoned. After four months, the eggs begin to hatch and the female penguins suddenly reappeared. During this period, female penguins are not wasting time, but finding and storing food in their bodies. The only way to keep the child from the icy air is put it on their legs and warm it with their stomachs. 
Penguins have many types including king penguins, gentoo penguins, chinstrap penguins, Adelie penguins, reckhopper, fiordland, snares, royal, erect-crested, macaroni, yellow eyes, blue, white flippered, african, magellanic, humboldt and galapagos penguins. Each - each penguin has a different shape and characteristics. 
With the global warming effect of the penguin habitat is being threatened. A new report from WWF, published at the UN conference on climate change in Bali, has found that global warming is happening five times faster in the Antarctic Peninsula from around the world, and threaten the survival of penguins that breed on the continent. Now the melting sea ice destroys nesting valuable basis in which penguins raise their young, while over-fishing penguins make food increasingly scarce. So if we want to still see the penguins living, then let us all begin now prevented globalwarming. Will the polar ice is melting, penguins are not endangered and of course for the continuation of life of mankind as well.

Selasa, 13 September 2011

Pintasan Tab dan Jendela

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